Replica Louis Vuitton NICE VANITY MAKE UP
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The NICE VANITY MAKE UP is a stylish and functional bag designed by Louis Vuitton. Measuring 14x19x10cm (length x Height x Width). it is made from the brand’s signature Monogram coated canvas and features natural cowhide-leather trim. The washable coated-canvas lining ensures that toiletries and other beauty essentials stay organized and secure.
The bag is accented with gold-color hardware. including engraved LV zip pulls. and features a double-zip wide opening. padlock. and name tag. The chain is removable. while the handle is single.
The House spirit of travel infuses the NICE VANITY MAKE UP. making it the perfect accessory for those on the go. Whether you’re traveling or simply need a stylish way to store your beauty essentials. this bag is sure to impress.
- 14x19x10cm(length x Height x Width)
- Monogram coated canvas
- Natural cowhide-leather trim
- Washable coated-canvas lining
- Gold-color hardware
- Double-zip wide opening
- Padlock
- Name tag
- Chain:Removable
- Handle:Single